Dec 1, 2010

of newspaper's enlightenment

you know what i saw in the newspaper today?
it's a BIG BIG enlightenment.
This guy who called 'MHJN' is a bit fogyism..
hmm maybe i can't say so, a bit conservative, he confessed.
well n he did made me realized that what he'd said was true.
learnt what 'actually to see with our own eyes, heared the sound of the opposition,
feels the breathe of the opposition, only meant to be constructed'.
it was really horrible and dreadful while you're sharing things even your own privacies with others through an electric machine system, it comes unsecurity.really.
imagined that u're now with ur friends and family, u took photos and with a push,
everyone knows bout u're now with the guy, this might be scary, what r the relationship u and him r having,what r ya'll doin?? they thought of this.and there overcomes misunderstandings, maybe from ur boyfriend or relatives.who knows?

okay now here's a real life story.-->
this MHJN saw a blog of his old fren, published blog article and photos that every single post were having harmony atmostphere and mutal love with his wife, as if he was the best man in the world.In real life, this BEST MAN dally with women all day long, as obscene as X .

so friends, not too believe to those network sharings, especially your privacies, this is an advise.says MHJN.oh those who often read newspapers might know the incident of male teacher =) sometimes, we cant stop unexpected events.

uhmmm...................does it means i shouldn't have blog often??? XD
nolah still write my BLOO*Y mood mah X)