Jun 20, 2013

I am back, caring ones.

How long it has been since the last post? 8 months ++?

It is somehow a very appropriate description from others' opinion saying that blog is the only thing you will think of when you are moody, or having troublesome in your life. It is the best haven, not only for me, for everyone, doesn't it?

How sarcasm it is, when you found out the last post was going to be continued by this post with the same topic? If you know what I am talking about. So that you can understand now, somethings are not gonna be changed but you're still desperately expecting it will be, or in a better way to be understand or listened, trying to figure out mission impossible.

Picture source: Google search.

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I was being so sentimental and emotional nowadays, as days passed by...
Human grew up by learning, but why when stuffs, knowledge, morals blablabla piled up, you aren't happy with what you'd learned, you are down further, kicking hearts deep down scolding yourself not being as an asshole. Moron.

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I hope to be as simple and as happy as when I were still young. Things went so simple.

I participated in a soft skill program, titled lifelong-Dance.
I met peoples and couples...like us.
I can see they are not so easy, just like me(just because when you are not, you will not know how it is). They looked easy, simple, in such a physical way, but you can feel it. Why? People are learned to be good, kind, ...blablabla, why all things get upside down? I just don't understand, can't figure it out.


I am just dancing, just lemme' dance happily with no miscellaneous thoughts, can't it be?

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